Monday, November 14, 2011

Geron halting stem cell research

Geron to focus on its novel cancer programs.

This is bad short term, good long term. Geron saw the writing on the wall, running out of money fast. They now may have time to get a blockbuster product to market before they have to do a 2nd offering at under $2.00.

Geron plans to partner all stem cell programs, meaning the partner will have to foot the total bill.

The GRN1005  is entering two Phase 2 trials this year data from these trials should be out before the end of the 2nd quarter of 2013.

The four Phase 2 clinical oncology studies will have data by the end of 2012. If any are good Geron will find a partner.

Conference call Nov. 15 at 9AM I will be listening.

I am very disappointed by the halting of the stem cell research. I still believe in the science. Geron needs a very very rich partner to fund this.

We will take a big hit tomorrow. I will buy a few shares around $1.75 or lower.

Good luck in this rigged casino,

1 comment:

    If stem cell treatments were a boxing match, Embryonic stem cell treatments would be the 500 lb Gorilla and Adult stem cell treatments would be the small, unknown underdog. Today, the Gorilla threw in the towel! What would cause the leading Embryonic stem cell Pharmaceutical company with multiple Embryonic products in development to end all of their Embryonic stem cell programs? What does it mean for patients who were waiting with desperate hope for the benefits of Embryonic stem cells?
