I stopped buying stocks in 2014. Started trading options in June of 2014. Mostly IBB options. I'm using this blog for a record of my trades, good and bad, so I can look back and see if I can improve my trading. If you would like to trade along, don't, I some time hold options only for mins. A week or more I feel is a bad trade. Always remember it's a rigged casino
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Options the Bet: Down again Bio Tech time to buy?
Options the Bet: Down again Bio Tech time to buy?: I hope so, April is a good month for stocks. I'm all in, will sell some Wed or Thur for cash on Monday. Losing a lot of money this week...
Down again Bio Tech time to buy?
I hope so, April is a good month for stocks. I'm all in, will sell some Wed or Thur for cash on Monday. Losing a lot of money this week. IBB closed at $343.43 the low for the day, not a good sign. Will see if it can bounce Wed. Good luck in this rigged casino.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Options the Bet: Bio Tech coming back
Options the Bet: Bio Tech coming back: Took some more losses a total of $3378. That hurt and there's more pain on the way. Made a few small trade for a few dollars. IBB three ...
Bio Tech coming back
Took some more losses a total of $3378. That hurt and there's more pain on the way. Made a few small trade for a few dollars. IBB three different Calls for $300+. Took a big lose on NDLS May 15 $20 Calls sold ten at 53 cents and paid $1.75, And a lose on BIIB Apr 02 $445 Calls five sold at $3.00 and paid $7.70. Bought ten PCRX May $95 Calls at $5.30 and 5 BIIB $435 at $12.30. I hate holding anything now, the longer I hold the more I lose. IBB closed at $351.32 with a range of $347.30 to $353.01. Good luck in this rigged casino.
Friday, March 27, 2015
Options the Bet: Bio Tech slight come back, but lost my ass
Options the Bet: Bio Tech slight come back, but lost my ass: Down 5 grand for week and that's with 4 grand + of good trades Ouh! Still have 25 grand of loses to take. One good trade today was BIIB ...
Bio Tech slight come back, but lost my ass
Down 5 grand for week and that's with 4 grand + of good trades Ouh! Still have 25 grand of loses to take. One good trade today was BIIB bought 3 May 15 $440 Calls at $19.60 and sold at $21.00. The losers were IBB Apr 17 $355 Call three at $10.00 and sold at $5.30. One BIIB Apr 2 $500 Call at $3.90 and sold for 5 cents. Ten PCRX Apr 17 $100 Calls at $4.00 and sold at $1.40. The big one BIIB Mar 27 $455 ten Calls bought for $5.50 and are worth zero. IBB closed at $347.46 with a range of $341.64 to $349.44. Well the rigged casino must go on and I will trade to get it all back + some or go broke trying.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Options the Bet: Bio Tech back just a little
Options the Bet: Bio Tech back just a little: Made one good trade today, bought three IBB May 5 $335 Calls at $14.00 and sold at $17.00. I have way to many losers I have to sell this wee...
Bio Tech back just a little
Made one good trade today, bought three IBB May 5 $335 Calls at $14.00 and sold at $17.00. I have way to many losers I have to sell this week and next. I'm down 40 grand give or take a couple grand. I hope to trade it back up or go broke trying. IBB closed at $340.79 with a range of $33.78 to $345.1. Good luck in this rigged casino.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Options the Bet: Look Out Below Bio Tech Crashing
Options the Bet: Look Out Below Bio Tech Crashing: WOW. Down big today. I lost 10 grand today and I'm down a total 30 grand. Wait... I'm crying it's to hard to type..... OK! I ...
Look Out Below Bio Tech Crashing
WOW. Down big today. I lost 10 grand today and I'm down a total 30 grand. Wait... I'm crying it's to hard to type..... OK! I had a few good trades CELG May $120 Calls 3 at $4.90 and sold at $5.30, IBB Apr 02 $345 Calls 5 at $5.90 and sold at $6.30, and again CELG May 15 $25 Calls 15 at $4.00 and sold at $4.20. Will keep trade till I'm broke or get that 30 grand back. Then I'm going on a road trip. Bet the Markets up big Thursday, if not I'll lose another 10 grand. IBB closed at $341.30 and the range was $356.50 to $340.76. Good luck in this rigged casino.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Options the Bet: More Pain in Bio Tech
Options the Bet: More Pain in Bio Tech: Down 20 grand. It's killing me, but I'll keep trading to get it all back. Made a few good trades. The options that I've been hol...
More Pain in Bio Tech
Down 20 grand. It's killing me, but I'll keep trading to get it all back. Made a few good trades. The options that I've been holding are going down, down, down. My good trades today are BIIB May 15 $460 Calls three ate $22.80 and sold at $26.20, PCRX Apr 17 $95 Calls 10 at $.70 and sold at $5.00. BIIB Mar 27 $455 Calls 10 at $5.69 and sold at $6.10. The CELG Apr 17 $124 Calls that I bought at $3.25 Monday, sold today at $3.50. Also bought back three covered Calls GERN Apr 17 $4 at 20 cent each and I had sold for 40 cent each. A bought 10 BIIB Mar 27 $455 Call at around 3PM for $5.50. Will sell Wed.
Good luck in this rigged casino.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Options the Bet: Bad .... BIIB no follow through
Options the Bet: Bad .... BIIB no follow through: Looks like bio tech had its run, I hope I'm wrong, because I will lose a lot of money if it is. But that's the bet. Made a little mo...
Bad .... BIIB no follow through
Looks like bio tech had its run, I hope I'm wrong, because I will lose a lot of money if it is. But that's the bet. Made a little money bought 5 BIIB Apr 17 $470 Calls at $13.20 and sold at $13.80, and 10 IBB Apr 17 $360 Calls at $5.75 and sold at $6.10. For fun I bought 10 CELG Apr 17 $124 Call at the close, will sell Tue. Will sell a lot of losers this week will be lucky to be in the black Friday. IBB closed at $358.28 with a range of $356.25 to $362.67. Good luck in this rigged casino.
Friday, March 20, 2015
Options the Bet: BIIB to the MOON
Options the Bet: BIIB to the MOON: BIIB had good results from it's Alzheimer's drug and will go from phase 1 right to phase 3 and could be on the market by 2018. BIIB ...
BIIB to the MOON
BIIB had good results from it's Alzheimer's drug and will go from phase 1 right to phase 3 and could be on the market by 2018. BIIB was up 30+ points. I went in to early buying BIIB Calls. Bought 10 BIIB Mar 27 $470 Calls at $9.90 and sold at $10.90. This was a good buy at the bottom 5 BIIB Mar 27 $470 Calls at $6.90 and sold at $11.70. Well I made so much money I took some loses, sold 10 PCRX Apr 17 $100 Calls at $5.20 and sold at $3.80. Ten BIIB Apr 2 $500 Call bought at $4.60 and sold at $3.00. Made a small gain on PCRX Apr 17 $100 Call bought 15 at $3.60 and sold at $3.80. Here's what I have left, 30 PCRX Apr 17 $100 Call in at $6 and the last trade was $3.80 need a $104 market price, will sell 10 to 20 more next week. 30 BIIB Apr 2 $500 Calls in at $3.67, the last trade was $2.78 need only $3 more, should get it Monday. 10 PCRX Apr 17 $100 Calls in at $4.00 and the last trade was $3.80, should be out of it Monday. For fun I bought 2 BIIB Jan 15, 2016 $500 Calls at $46.00 and the last trade was $46.20, will hold, held BIIB hits $500. IBB closed at $366.52 with a range of $363.63 to $374.91. A great week made my goal. Good luck in this rigged casino.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Options the Bet: Bio Tech on Fire
Options the Bet: Bio Tech on Fire: No good point to buy BIIB or IBB. I did buy 23 PCRX $100 Apr Calls at an avg. of $4.06 and sold at $4.40. Still have 40 PCRX Apr $100 Calls ...
Bio Tech on Fire
No good point to buy BIIB or IBB. I did buy 23 PCRX $100 Apr Calls at an avg. of $4.06 and sold at $4.40. Still have 40 PCRX Apr $100 Calls need $100,70 share price and it closed down at $97.70. Will try to sell 5 Calls at around $4.80. IBB closed at $365.23 with a range of $360.00 to $365.23. Good luck in this rigged casino.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Options the Bet: Market liked the Fed meeting, Bio up up up an away...
Options the Bet: Market liked the Fed meeting, Bio up up up an away...: I was afraid to bet big on the 2PM FOMC Rate Decision. Bought two IBB Apr17 $350 Calls at $11.70 and sold at $14.30 made out great on that t...
Market liked the Fed meeting, Bio up up up an away after 2PM
I was afraid to bet big on the 2PM FOMC Rate Decision. Bought two IBB Apr17 $350 Calls at $11.70 and sold at $14.30 made out great on that trade. Bought five BIIB $425 Apr 17 $425 Calls at $18.20 and sold at $19.00. Bio Tech goes higher. PCRX closed at $98.13 and hit $99.20 today. My 40 Apr 17 $100 Calls need $2.40 more to the closing price for me to make money which would be $100.60. If I don't get it this week will start selling next 10-15 calls a week. IBB closed at $358.14 what a run, it was $326 a month ago. Good luck in this rigged casino.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Options the Bet: Is Bio Tech bullet proof
Options the Bet: Is Bio Tech bullet proof: NO! But it will run up more and more and more and then down 20-30%. When will this happen, I have no idea. Good day for me. Bought a few Cal...
Is Bio Tech bullet proof
NO! But it will run up more and more and more and then down 20-30%. When will this happen, I have no idea. Good day for me. Bought a few Calls and sold them for a little money. Two BIIB Apr 17 $20 Calls at $19 and sold at $20.10 and two IBB Apr $350 Apr 17 Calls at $10.80 and sold at $11.60. Will try to buy more BIIB and hold tell Friday when they will have some news, hopefully good. IBB closed at $356.25 and had a range of $351.57 to $356.62. Good luck in this rigged casino.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Options the Bet: Bio tech up up up and away
Options the Bet: Bio tech up up up and away: Good day for me, sold my 5 BIB Apr 17 $420 Calls I had for a week at $19.90 was in at $18.80. Sold the 10 PCRX Apr 17 $95 Calls I bought Fri...
Bio tech up up up and away
Good day for me, sold my 5 BIB Apr 17 $420 Calls I had for a week at $19.90 was in at $18.80. Sold the 10 PCRX Apr 17 $95 Calls I bought Friday for a $381 gain and sold 3 PCRX Apr 17 $100 Call at a lose. Still have 40 PCRX Apr 17 $100 Call, need $5.80 and it's around $4.00 so I need a $101 market price to get out with a gain and it closed at $97.06. BIIB and IBB ran up, no good point too jump in. Will be buying very small amount of Calls at this level. PCRX I may buy more $95 Calls at $93. IBB closed at $345.53 with a range of $342.27-$349. Good luck in this rigged casino.
Friday, March 13, 2015
Options the Bet: BIIB amazing run in a dow market
Options the Bet: BIIB amazing run in a dow market: I gave up on my Mar 13 BIIB Calls sold to early, if I had held them today at the high end of my price I would be up $2Gs, BUT NO I sold earl...
BIIB amazing run in a dow market
I gave up on my Mar 13 BIIB Calls sold to early, if I had held them today at the high end of my price I would be up $2Gs, BUT NO I sold early and lost $1400. Made a few good trades today with IBB. But it was a disappointing Friday the 13th, could of had one of my best weeks ever. BIIB went from $407 to $416 my Calls would have all sold in the money+. In about 50% cash because I bought 10 PCRX Apr 17 $95 Calls. IBB closed at $345.33 with a range of $342.27 to $349. It was funny Thursday all the bio tech I track was up but not BIIB, today it just BIIB up. Good luck in this rigged casino.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Options the Bet: BIIB gamble was a big lose
Options the Bet: BIIB gamble was a big lose: My 5 BIIB Mar 13 $412.50 gamble was a big lose bought at $2.50 Wed. and sold for 50 cent today. Still have 10 BIIB Mar 13 $410 Calls have to...
BIIB gamble was a big lose
My 5 BIIB Mar 13 $412.50 gamble was a big lose bought at $2.50 Wed. and sold for 50 cent today. Still have 10 BIIB Mar 13 $410 Calls have to sell Friday hope to lose just a little money. BIIB was not acting right all the bio tech stocks I track were up around 1% but not BIIB, it closed down at $407.64, need $410-$412 to break even. Also took a big lose in PCRX Apr 17 Z$100 Calls sold 7 at $3.40 and had bought at $4.90. Did made two good trade [yea I know hard to believe] BIIB Apr 17 $410 Calls 5 at $18.00 and sold at $18.50. IBB Apr 17 $345 Calls 5 at $9 and sold at $10. So I'm about $600 ahead for the week. Friday will try to made a little money and go into the weekend with 50% cash, hoping for more. IBB caught the low at $341.10 and it closed at $344.83, the high was $345.07. Good luck in this rigged casino.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Options the Bet: After big drop on Tuesday, market down just a litt...
Options the Bet: After big drop on Tuesday, market down just a litt...: BIIB was good to me, at least in the AM bought 10 Apr 17, $152 Calls at $16.95 and sold at $18.10. Noted BIIB down at the close bought [for ...
After big drop on Tuesday, market down just a little today
BIIB was good to me, at least in the AM bought 10 Apr 17, $152 Calls at $16.95 and sold at $18.10. Noted BIIB down at the close bought [for a gamble] 10 Mar 13 $410 Calls at $3.40 and 5 Mar 13 $412.50 Call at $2.50. Only need $3 up and will make some good money. Have 13 BIIB Calls for Apr 17 $415 and $420, feel that they will be in the money. Still have 110 CSCO Calls and 40 PCRX Apr 17 $100 Calls and 15 NDLS May $20 Calls not feeling good about this, will sell 5 at a time maybe one a week. IBB closed at $342.54 with a range of $339.67 to $344.08. All in all the bio tech held up well. Good luck in this rigged casino.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Options the Bet: A Wild Ride Down
Options the Bet: A Wild Ride Down: The sins of the pass. Should've been in cash over the weekend. Now I'm stuck with 50 PCRX Apr 17, $100 Calls, 15 NDLS May 15 $20 Cal...
A Wild Ride Down
The sins of the pass. Should've been in cash over the weekend. Now I'm stuck with 50 PCRX Apr 17, $100 Calls, 15 NDLS May 15 $20 Calls, 5 BIIB Apr 17 $420 Calls. Market down big time. I bought on the way down and sold most of it on the way up, at 1:30 PM BIIB started back down it was an amazing run up, made some good money buying and selling. At 2:30 PM IBB started trading down, down down. I bought 10 IBB Mar 20 $345 at $4.70 and sold at $4.90, 10 PCRX Apr 17 $95 Calls at $5.15 sold at $5.40, 3 BIIB Mar 13 $422.50 Calls bought 4 days ago at $3.40 and out at $3.30 for a small lose, 6 IBB June 19 $340 at $16.90 and sold at $17.60 and 6 BIIB Apr 17 $425 bought 4 days at $14.90 and sold today at $15.50. Made money was very lucky BIIB run so high before falling. I did buy 100 CSCO $31 Jul Calls at 35 cent will hold till I can get 40 cents. Also sold three covered Calls on my 300 shares of GERN June $4.00. Need a big blow up Wed. to sell CSCO, PCRX, and BIIB. Want to be in 90% cash by Sat. IBB closed at $339.47 and with a range of $345.66 to $337.41. Good luck in this rigged casino.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Options the Bet: Market comes back, well almost
Options the Bet: Market comes back, well almost: Never go long over the weekend, I know better, but still was not 100% in cash like I should have been. I few good trades, IBB bought two Apr...
Market comes back, well almost
Never go long over the weekend, I know better, but still was not 100% in cash like I should have been. I few good trades, IBB bought two Apr 17 $345 Calls at $8.60 and sold at $9.50. PCRX Mar 20 $95 Calls 30 of them an avg. at $3.00 and sold at $3.30. Selling slowly my loser NDLS 10 Calls May 15, $20 for 85 cent losing 1 grand, wait a few mins. I'm crying................................. BIIB didn't move up like a had hoped, have 11 Calls $425 and $420 Apr 17 need $419-$424. Have 10 IBB Mar 20 $345 Calls only need a dollar or two more. PCRX 40+ Calls Apr $100 this might be my next big loser, need $100 share price. NDLS May $20 Call have 15 left at an avg. of $1.74, will keep selling 5 a week. IBB closed at $342.87 and with a range of $343.41 down to $338.85. Good luck in this rigged casino.......................

Friday, March 6, 2015
Options the Bet: Down but not out BIIB
Options the Bet: Down but not out BIIB: Best week ever, even with some very big mistakes, #1 was GERN should just sold half and the next day would have made that lose up and then s...
Down but not out BIIB
Best week ever, even with some very big mistakes, #1 was GERN should just sold half and the next day would have made that lose up and then some. Bought 3 IBB Apr 17 $345 Calls at $10 and sold at $11, bought 5 BIIB Apr 17 $420 Calls at $18.90 and sold at $20.00. That was early AM after that the Market tanked, I bought on the way down, here the list, 5 BIIB Apr 17 $420 at $19.00, 10 IBB Mar 20 $345 at $4.70, 10 PCRX Apr 17 $100 at $4.90, 3 BIIB Mar 13 $422.50 at $3.40. IBB closed at $342.36 with a range of $341.56 to $347. Good luck in this rigged casino.
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Options the Bet: Bio tech up up up and away
Options the Bet: Bio tech up up up and away: I could get in on any options. Remember the 60 Gern Calls I sold for a $700 lose, well 24 hours later, it went from $2.80 to $3.80, hey I...
Bio tech up up up and away
I could get in on any options. Remember the 60 Gern Calls I sold for a $700 lose, well 24 hours later, it went from $2.80 to $3.80, hey I'm crying missed out on $5 grand. Well Friday will try to get in IBB below $344, BIIB $418 and PCRX below $96. IBB closed ay $347.67 with a range of $343.77 to $348.98. Good luck in this rigged casino.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Options the Bet: Almost out of PCRX
Options the Bet: Almost out of PCRX: PCRX closed at $95.39 and was as high as $96.79. I sold all my Mar 20 $95 Calls and need $98 to $100 stock price to sell the 38 Calls for Ap...
Almost out of PCRX
PCRX closed at $95.39 and was as high as $96.79. I sold all my Mar 20 $95 Calls and need $98 to $100 stock price to sell the 38 Calls for Apr 17 $100. I feel it well get there this week if the market goes up just a little. Sold all 60 of the GERN $3 Mar 20 Calls for a big lose $700+. BIIB bought and sold Apr 17 $15 Calls in at $15.90 out $16.20, and in at $17.70 and out at $18.30. A very good day over all. Still have 25 NDLS May 15 $20 Call, will start to sell 3-5 Calls a week, I'm at a $2,000 lose now if I sell and there's no news coming that I can see to move it up in price. IBB closed at $340.23, missed the bottom at $334.60 by about 20 cents. Good luck in this rigged casino.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Options the Bet: Buy, Buy, Buy the Sell, Sell, Sell
Options the Bet: Buy, Buy, Buy the Sell, Sell, Sell: Went over the top and then some. My feeling about PCRX was half right, bought 10 more and sold 24 made a few dollars and have 10 Mar 20 $95 ...
Buy, Buy, Buy the Sell, Sell, Sell
Went over the top and then some. My feeling about PCRX was half right, bought 10 more and sold 24 made a few dollars and have 10 Mar 20 $95 at $4.20 and 10 for Apr 17 $100 Calls at $6.40, will need $97-100 to make money and PCRX closed at $93.94. BIIB was good to me, bought 5 Apr 17 $410 at $17.90 and sold at $19.60. Bought 8 BIIB Apr 17 $410 at $18.20 and sold at $18.90, and 2 Apr 17 $415 at $16.70 and sold at $17.10. IBB I missed the bottom again, was getting my taxes done. Then for fun I bought 60 GERN Mar 20 $3 Calls at 20 cent. Earnings at 4:30 PM and it looks bad for me, missed, will sell tomorrow, at a lose most likely. IBB closed at $337.92 the range was $333.97 to $339.74. Good luck in this rigged casino.
Monday, March 2, 2015
Options the Bet: Bet big on bouce for PCRX
Options the Bet: Bet big on bouce for PCRX: PCRX got a dear john letter from the FDC rejecting its application for expanded use of there pain drug. It went down $22 so I started buying...
Bet big on bouce for PCRX
PCRX got a dear john letter from the FDC rejecting its application for expanded use of there pain drug. It went down $22 so I started buying Calls, a total of 64, 26 for Mar 20 at $95 and 38 for Apr at $100. I did this on a feeling, lets hope I'm not feeling sick tomorrow, need $95-98 to sell all. Did well on BIIB, bought at $16.80 and sold at $17.60 and again bought at 17.20 and sold at 18.00. Sold 10 NDLS May 15, 2015 $20 Calls at $1.30 made a little money on that, still have 25 more and down $1200 need $20.80. IBB traded with not enough range to buy. It closed at $339.93 with a range of $337.15 to $340.22. Made a lot but I'm in a lot with PCRX, hoping for a quick $2-3 pop at the open and will sell all the Mar Calls. Good luck in this rigged casino.
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